
Privacy Statement

1 Entry in the collected personal information to

First, the Company collects the minimum personal information, such as the first time Register below for the provision of the Register, seamless customer service, various services as required.
- Mandatory when registering: Username (email), password, name, phone number

Second, the following information on the services or business processes are processes can be generated automatically collected.
- IP Address, cookies, temporary visits, service use records, recorded using poor

2 Personal Information Collection Methods

The company collects personal information in the following ways.
- Main, written form, fax, telephone and counseling bulletin boards, email, events, application, request delivery
- Provide suppliers from
- Collect information collected through the creation of tools

3 Collection and use of personal information object

① Custom property Provided
② subscription service, personal identification, using Naver used on cheating and services interfere with the smooth running of the use of restrictive measures, services for the agreement violates members conduct sanctioned, subscription doctor check, sign up and join a limited number, only children under the age of 14 personal information collected when checking whether the legal representative agrees, the legal representative later identification, record-keeping for dispute resolution, grievance handling such complaints, notices passes, membership withdrawal confirmation of the doctor
③ new service development and personalized services, providing services and advertising, validation services, opportunities, event information and participation of the statistical properties, advertising information provision, access frequency identification, statistics on the services of the Member

4 Sharing and the provision of personal information

The company used within users' personal information. "3. The purpose of the purpose of collection and use of personal information" notices in the range, and without the user's prior consent or used beyond the scope principle, the same disclose personal information to an external no.

5 Personal information retention and availability

When personal information is collected and used principally to achieve two objectives will destroy personal information without delay. However, keeping the following information for the period specified below for conservation reasons.

① written complaints or disputes about the handling of consumers: one year
② website visit: 3 months
③ (abnormally service use records, such as registering negative, disciplinary records) illegal use record: 1 year

6 Personal Information Destruction Procedures and Methods

① digging procedure (in the case of paper separate filing cabinet) transferred to separate DB after the user information that you enter, such as for registering to achieve this goal in accordance with the data protection reasons due to internal policy and other relevant legislation (possession and use reference period) will be destroyed after a certain period of time is saved.
② the same personal information will not be used for purposes other than those held under the Act if the documentation is not.
③ Personal information printed on paper will be discarded shredder or through incineration.
④ personal information stored in electronic files is deleted using technical methods that can play the recording.
Details on the

7 Installation / operating unit automatically collect personal information and denied

The Company stores the user's information and use often invoke the "Cookie (cookie) 'in order to provide a personalized and customized service
Cookies are stored on the user's computer hard disk to a very small text file that the server used to run a website sends to the user's browser. If the user visits the website after the website server is used to read the contents of a cookie stored on the hard disk of the user keeping the user's preferences and provides a customized service.
- Cookie does not collect personally identifiable information automatically / active, the user can at any time reject or delete this cookie store

Visit and use the form for each service and the patrons who visited the website of the company, to identify the user, such as a scale used to provide optimized customized information including advertising to users.

- The user has the option to install cookies. Therefore, each user or through confirmation accept all cookies by setting an option in the Web browser or when a cookie is stored, or you can reject all cookies.
- However, if you refuse to save cookies Naver some services that require a login can be difficult to use
- To specify whether the installation of cookies allowed (for Internet Explorer) are as follows:
① Select the Tools menu, click Internet Options].
② Click the Privacy tab].
③ simply set the privacy level].

8 Technical / administrative measures to protect personal information

The company got in handling users' personal information and personal information, take the following technical / administrative measures for securing such loss, theft, leak, alteration or damage safety.

① the original's password ID (ID) is encrypted and stored and managed only person to know, check and change your personal information is available only to those who know the password.
② The Company is committed to prevent personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses.
③ the company's privacy treats employees is limited to personnel and can and are regularly updated to give it a separate password for it, always emphasizing the observance of Naver Privacy policy through frequent training for staff.
④ for damage the company is not in spite of it privacy of users such obligations due to negligence or accidents in your area, the company is not attributable to the company management company is not responsible.

9 Contacts personal information manager and personnel

① 강훈정 02-310-9009

If you have any other complaints about invasion of privacy or counseling is needed, please contact the following organizations.
- Privacy Complaint Center (no privacy.kisa.or.kr / Station No. 118)
- Prosecutors' Office Cyber ​​Criminal Investigation Division (www.spo.go.kr / 02-3480-3571)
- Police Cyber ​​Security Administration (www.ctrc.go.kr / 182 without area code)

10 Notice obligations

When there is a current privacy policy information to add, delete, and modify will notice over the 'announcement' home from at least seven days prior to revision. However, if there are significant changes to the user rights, such as the collection and utilization of Personal Information, you will notice at least 30 days.

- Announcement Date: September 18, 2014
- Effective Date: September 25, 2014
Previous privacy policy (July 31, 2014-9 years May 24, 2014)