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Introduce Shindang-dong villa for rent in seoul

  • 2018-05-08 16:24:03
  • 4928
  • Apartment in Seoul, rent in Seoul, 외국인 렌트, realty, 렌트, 임대

신당동에 위치한 외국인 렌트 전용 빌라를 소개해 드립니다. 신당동이 행정구역상 중구로 편입이 되어 시내와 가깝운데 본 물건은 한남동에 붙어있는 신당동으로 남산 자락에 위치하고 있습니다. 

I would like to villa in Shindang-dong for rent in Seoul. Shindang-song is in Jung-gu where is the down town, so the loaction is close to the down town and the villa is next to the Hannam-dong and located near Namsan. 


저렴한 렌트 가격에 비해서 넓은 평형을 가지고 있으며 옆에 남산 자락으로 올라가는 트레킹이 있어 자연과 함께 할 수 있는 지역적인 잇점이 있습니다. 

The rent price is cheaper than other compaing the size of the villa and next to the villa has a tracking road and mountain. 


The living room is huge and lately renovated. 

There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. 


The kitchen is open so it is good for the family or who want big space. 

The building is not new building. That is why the rent is cheaper thant others. However, inside of the villa is pretty good condition, so I would like to introduce this villa for rent. 


If you want to big size of villa for rent in Seoul with cheap rent price, it will be really good option for you. 


Please feel free to contact if you have a question or need more pictures. 


Thank you for reading. 


AtSeoul Realty. 




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